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Climbing Plants on Stone Wall

Site Visit: Mayfield Depot


Updated: May 28, 2022

In April 2022, MSA landscape architecture students were invited to Mayfeild Depot for a fantastic afternoon exploring the site. Thank you Studio Egret West!

Place first

The placemaking design ethos and priority in construction for the new park ahead of the surrounding buildings puts Mayfield ahead of the curve for urban landscape projects. Creating a new open greenspace for the public realm in a former industrial area of Manchester - Mayfield Printworks - faces challenges from accessibility to industrial waste pollutants in the soils.

Welcome back to the River Medlock

Over the years as development spread, the Medlock was canalised and sealed beneath the sprawling buildings and infrastructure. The design by Studio Egret West opens up the river and reinstates a more organic form through the site. The interventions bring nature back to the river, clean up the pollutants and provide flood alleviation downstream of the park.

Hello wildlife

Whilst we were there a family of Canadian Geese with three goslings wandered though the nature area, hunting for food in the log piles and bathing on the shallow shale beaches for the river bank.

Fun. Fun. Fun.

A tour of the new playscape brought out the kids in all of us. From inset trampolines to tunnels and a slide over the river, the new playground contains elements for all ages. Careful design considerations created the first accessible slide so wheelchair users to share the fun too.

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